Dayak Tribe Banyadu

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    Dayak priest is leading a religious ritual

The term Dayak Tribe Banyadu''taken from the term in their own language of origin of the word "Nyadu" which means "No" word is used as a term distinguishing dialect with other Dayak dialects. Dayak Banyadu itself is one of the Dayak tribe in the family Kanayatn. note of the language with Dayak Dayak Banyadu Bakati is a transition between family kanayatn Dayak Bidayuh Dayak families where some of the language similar or identical to the language kanayatn and partly similar or identical to the Bidayuh language. banyadu language vowel sounds generally similar to any other language Kanayatn Dayak families tend to read into the vowel "U" for example the word "exist" in a language other kanayatn Kanayatn Banyadu become "Adu" word "equal" to "Samu" word "Datakng" to " Dutukng "," message "to" pesun ', "smoke" to "/ create", "in" to "Dalum / darupm", "night" to "malum / marupm", and others.
Local Dayak Banyadu The Dayak Banyadu many live in areas upstream sub Banyuke, Banyuke Darit, Meranti, Serimbu and several villages in the district of Ngabang districts and in districts Yell Hedgehogs, Bengkayang city, in several villages in the district Samalantan and in villages throughout the District Bengkayang transmigration. The days before people Banyadu often called People Banyuke, Banyuke word itself comes from the name of one village Banyadu person who in the past became the center of the capital or some kind of village governance (Banua / Continent), which in headed by a Chief, the center or the capital of the Continent Satona located upstream of a river during the first does not have a name. Because the most upstream villages in the upstream river named Kampung Banyuke the river finally tipped in the area called the river banyuke. Quite often a mistake to Dayak people who called this Banyuke, especially the younger generation now where in their opinion Banyuke is called the Dayak people who berdialek Banane kanayatn Darit aka people and tend to strongly believe in it, but the truth is for the Dayak community as a berdialek Kanayatn Banyadu, this is certainly based on the grounds that all villages or all the people living downstream of the middle and upstream of the river is Banyadu people, and especially in because it is the origin of the word banyuke from the name of a village of the river upstream Banyadu Banyuke. Before people banyadu Hedgehogs inhabit rural areas, gorged and Sanggau Kapuas, people inhabiting the western coast of Borneo Banyadu west of the area around the northern districts of Pontianak teeter over into the river pinyuh now. because it is caused by various reasons banyadu Dayak ancestors eventually heading inland through the mouth of the Kapuas river then down the river until it reached the sea urchin Ngabang area today. There the group split into two parts, the other group (People Balantian, People Angan Pandu and people) go towards the east and the border regions inhabited districts Tayan Hedgehogs and upstream (Sanggau district) now. While the larger group into westward through banyuke river estuary to the upstream and creeks banyuke and building settlements known as early or Tammakng (read: mine). Villagers beginning or village of origin aka Tamakng people Banyuke banyadu along the river and creeks this banyuke like other Dayak people also do shifting activities. The longer the farther fields are opened, ultimately for reasons already too far from the village of origin, then the parents the days it took the initiative to establish new villages near their fields. The new Village termed Varokng (read: Varong) was significant as the village fields. Along with era growth and increasing population-varokng varokng are finally getting more and more crowded. The villages of origin aka Tamakng people Banyadu include Tamakng Bale, Temia ojol, Padang Pio, Loeng, untang, Banyuke, Balantian and others. While villages such as fields or Varokng Tititareng, sabah, magon, Yell, Sentibak, Peranuk, Temia seo, plain manyun, berinang manyun, sinto, kampet, semade, sentibak and others.
Indigenous Dayak Cultural Banyadu Indigenous culture Banyadu generally equal to other customary Dayak Klemantan clumps, which differentiate only to mention the term only. One of the Indigenous culture that is baliatn generally executed by using language that berdialek Kanayatn Dayak shaman baliannya Bananna although native people Banyadu. This is one reason besides the language that causes Dayak Banyadu grouped into Kanayatn Dayak family. As with other Dayak community in the past People banyadu also lived in long houses (house or home betang Bantang) but right now none of them are still menyisakannya village. When people Banyadu establish a single dwelling house (Lamin or Ramin). They made their home was like a long house, it is seen from its shape which also extends along the length not only communal longhouse. Until now, single long houses are still there in some villages just like in the village there are two berinang manyun if there has not been dismantled alias.
Dayak Religion Banyadu System Banyadu religion is a religion indigenous people or in terms of Central Kalimantan Dayak community is called Kaharingan. It is monotheistic belief systems which focus on one God, called Jubata. In a world controlled by sangiakng Jubata in aid or a kind of angel-sangiakng the divine religions. When the priest Banyadu perform traditional religious rituals often Jubata name mentioned as jubata which this hill, or mountain in this area or that area, this is not bearti that Jubata is much more significant amount but that the power (God) is where- Where or power over all things. Jubata on the Dayak Dayak community Banyadu kanayatn as in other so-called dwell or live in heaven above (saruga Samo) or in the lining of the seventh heaven or specifically referred to as Sabayatn. Banyadu people in the present 70% of them are Catholic Christians, 20% Protestant and the remaining followers of indigenous religions (Kaharingan).
Characters Dayak Banyadu • Tapanus Tapat, SH. MH. politicians • Fabian oel, Spd. Indigenous bureaucrats and heads • Marcellus Uthan SSos. NGO leaders • Darrem SH. politicians • Mion, politicians • Pastor Dr. Samuel Oton Sidin, OFM cap. Churchman, NGOs and social leaders • Allay junction, community Elders Banyadu • Ugat Sojo, Banyadu Community Elders • Sanjok, Community Elders
Reference • • •

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