Dayak tribe of Mali

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Dayak tribe of Mali is divided into several sub-tribe as follows:

Dayak Mali (main languages / Parent)

  • Covers the Central District to the border of Lower Tayan District.
  • Some local intersection Hulu, Ketapang
  • dialect: Languages of Mali, Beruak, Keneles, Tae 

Dayak Mali Peruan

  • Covers the figure, District of Hulu Tayan, Sanggau
  • Some one in the District Hedgehogs
  • dialect: Language Peruan 

Dayak Taba Mali

  • Some / all regions in Central District, Sanggau to Tayan Hulu.
  • dialect: Language Taba / Keneles 

Dayak Mali Keneles

  • Some districts Hall, Sanggau
  • Some Tayan Hilir subdistrict, Sanggau
  • Some Districts Meliau, Sanggau
  • Some District Toba, Teraju
  • dialect: Language Keneles 

Religion Dayak tribe of Mali largely Christian Catholic and some Protestant Christians, Moslems, while almost no. Most of the Dayak people who converted to Islam because of marriage by ethnic Malays. In the Islamic religion also prohibits the Dayak tribe while pork, pork is a very important animal in all aspects of life in the indigenous Dayaks. But there are some Dayak mali recognize themselves in general with the dynamism of ancestral religion or animism. But in general claim to be Christian are also Catholic and Protestant. Religion Islam has always been about or related to the Malays while the Dayak people always call themselves Christian Army. If the Dayak people to Islam it will be called into Malay, on the contrary Likewise with a Malay who converted to Christianity it will be called in. Land Dayak. 

Social Strata Dayak tribe of Mali have great respect for the custom (Demat), which is the highest authority in customs. Head of Adat provide the guidance on all aspects of social life. Customs are also enforced with very fair for the indigenous peoples there. Meanwhile, there are other traditional leaders called warlords, who only came to power in the crucial moment just as well as a silencer / conciliator in indigenous communities.

Mores Marriage In Mali Dayak culture, tradition is always defined on the basis of customary law. Indigenous customary law as well. There are several things that must be considered in the customary marriage.

  • Family ties bride. Both the bride will be sanctioned if there are blood ties between until the descent into-4. It's okay to get married as long as the customary pay in advance.
  • Inter-sibling relationships (brother-sister / brother) = Indigenous Pelangkah. When the first brother married the younger sister must pay customs to the sister / brother.
  • Relations between ethnic (Chinese and Malay). Dayak tribe of Mali has made a pact with the Malays and Chinese from the time of the ancestors. If the Dayak and Malay people married into Malay (Muslim), the Malay party should pay the customs as a sanction. Large enough in some cultures indigenous Dayak Mali. And vice versa and with ethnic Chinese also happened the same thing. But with other tribes in addition to the two tribes are no sanctions / customary law. Other tribes are free from the law to marry a Dayak tribe mali. But that does not mean free of other laws that apply to all.
  • Establishment of Customary law marriage at the start of implementation. At the time of wedding preparations will be no agreement between the bride and groom are. And if it violated the sanctions will be more severe than the cost of the wedding. 

Agriculture Dayak tribe farming in Mali is a tradition that already existed in the common ancestor of life. The field is moving to do, for the Dayak tribe moved because the fields are always associated with nature and fertility of soil. If same land is opened each year would reduce the fertility of the soil. Then open the same field can be three to four years. Left open fields should be held with the agreement of the universe, especially watchman soil (Sisil) these fields. Dayak tribe of Mali believe the man must feed and make arrangements for land watchman (Sisil) fields tersebuat want to move to another place. If not then the watchman of the land can be angry and condemn the man who opened the field. 

Culture Ngayau Ngayau (cut head) is a cultural cannibal ancestors who never existed in the Dayak tribe. Even if the culture has become extinct and should no longer exist at present but it still could be witnessed in events such as the New Order era Sanggau Ledo (West Kalimantan) in 1997 and the events Sampit (Central Kalimantan) in 2001. Ngayau is a culture to find a human head. When the head was found the courage, strength, power and honor will be obtained immediately. Any person who is able to obtain Dayak tribe or chief commander of the strongest people in the tribe, the strength will be obtained. Dayak people will be admired as the commander. Head commander of the tribe who had cut his skull will be eaten and preserved. Kapala is still used for dances Noto'gh. That honor / presenting a human head in public when completed harvest. There are still certain areas that are still carrying out these Noto'gh culture. 

Ganjor'ro / devices Ganjor'ro is customary feast after the harvest or after harvest rice grateful party. Dayak tribe mali from village to village to carry out this feast for thanksgiving on apet kuya'ngh and for crops in years to come more abundant. thanksgiving ceremony is held once a year and gratitude party 3 or 7 days. ganjor'ro suggest that everyone should be partying until satisfied. Dayak tribe mali partying with meals and drink wine (a type of traditional beverages) until you are drunk or there is often a race event besompok (match drink palm wine) who hold so he won. 

Noton'gh Notonkg or Noton'gh ceremony is a ritual to feed to the head of the ancestors. This ceremony is still well maintained kampong-specific hamlets that have / keep a human head in the past. The ceremony is only held once a year or when there are incidents of poor kampong 

Belien'gh (Balian) Balian is a person who worked on the indigenous Dayak ceremony on duty to deal with the Overworld and the Underworld of the human spirit that has died. Balian also be on duty to call jubata as a peacemaker in an event that became a topic in a traditional ceremony, this task as done by artisans in traditional ceremonies such bargaining. Ngangkong Bepamang Bebayer (Mulang Intention) 

Berancak berancak is a ritual to cleanse the village from every evil. berancak usually carried out for 7 days. As for abstinence to be executed by the Dayak mali at the time was: forbidden to eat shrimp, shrimp paste, fish seluang (a type of freshwater fish dikalimantan), ferns and bamboo shoots (shoots tainted), are prohibited from singing, music or ring a vehicle, are prohibited from traveling at night , it is forbidden to pound rice in the evening. every person who violates these regulations shall pay a fine and never when it is considered void and must be repeated again. all costs are paid by those who violate these abstinence. The Burun'gh (The fruit and Release Harvest) 

Palm wine Dayak is a typical drink palm wine. Each is a custom event must also have wine or gin. Culture is a culture that makes wine for generations. Dayak people are very good at making wine from glutinous rice. The results of the fermentation will be turned into a drink that originated from droplets beverages drunk enough to make it. In the Dayak traditions, called besompok (fighting for a cup of wine) is a tradition that has been preserved until today. Not as kebangaan but to strengthen the brotherhood and intimacy because of the tradition of ancestors. These drinks taste a little sweet but then a lot of drinking wine bilater is then very difficult to quickly recover. Art Dance Ganjor'ro (devices) Dance Noton'gh Dance Ngangkong Dance Berase Dance Belien'gh Dance The Burun'gh
Nkayut amot Berancak Bebayer 

Customary Law Customary law is a sanction or penalty in the form of goods as evidence of custom itself. Although some cultures simple fixed will be the evidence of legitimate customary. For the indigenous Dayak people is a very shameful punishment. Therefore, each of the Dayaks must know yourself that everyone is at fault when actually in the same tradition has lost his dignity denied him equal with the Dayak people of Mali. 

• Structural Holder Customary Law 1. Two Real on hold / led by Mr. RT / RW 2. Four Real chaired by Domong (Head of Traditional Village) 3. Six Real-led indigenous Dusun head 4. Eight [Mi'gh] Indigenous Village Real Head led by village heads 5. Ten Real Led customary village head 6. Real Twelve led head adat (customary holders) District 7. Real Sixteen led head adat (customary Stakeholder) districts 

Traditional Chief customary chief was the one who became puncuk leader in custom or customary pemegan in Dayak culture mali. they hold certain traditional structures and must not step over other customary holders. therefore as the power of each head of customs. customary heads have nothing to do with another device. This is not their offhand bearti run existing customary. due to customs rules set by society. they serve only as a leader in session and after a similar decision from the traditional society, they explain the sanctions in accordance with prevailing custom. 

Indigenous Elder / Domong Domong is customary adviser as the elder person in the community. they are entitled to explain the existing customary rules when there is a mistake in menjelasan sanctions in custom. 

Shaman Shamans are people who cure existing disease kampong or if there is something disturbing the tranquility of the village by being fine. they only function fully when treating a person or if there is thanksgiving in the village. 

War Commander War Commander is the person who led the indigenous peoples in the event of war in the Dayak community mali. they only function when there is war and if indigenous peoples heads allow for war. but if not then the warlords can not go to war by way of bypassing traditional authority because the warlord's head could be penalized by the head adat.

Pedagi (Place of Worship Apet Kuyan'gh, Jobata, Jubata) Pedagi is a place to put an offering in a traditional ceremony dayak Mali. they believe that pedagi a temporary home jubata in this world. in pedagi that people come to bring intention, gratitude and penance for all that was planned during his life on earth. pedagi is second only to the top of the mountain which also has a guardian pedaginya which is different. pedagi usually stay close to home residents. they believe that the wait is Apet Kuyan'gh pedagi who have good character and maintain the village. Apet Kuyan'gh almost always associated with parents who have gray, white and turban berjengot. Apet Kuyan'gh be concerned with the security of the village and always gives good fortune in their lives. 

Sisil (Watcher Land) sisil is the watchman of the valley or marshy ground. Every person who opens a new field or new land is required to give offerings and appeal to Sisil to leave the place. People call it a favor. Kamang (Bearer Crime and Disease) Pedagi Kamang is god who is on top of the mountain is considered as the center of everything. Pedagi is only when there is a celebration of the village on a large scale such as at the time of thanksgiving after the rice harvest, when there is war. Pedagi was in the guard by Kamang which is a giant figure of a man covered in blood and as the god of death. That's when people violate the rules or norms that exist in kampung.Kamang is the most sacred god.


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