Sekadau Kingdom

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  Sekadau own kingdom ruled by a row - helped by the descendants of King Jaya and the descendants of the Kings Siak Bulun / Bahulun of river Keriau, Ketapang. The first is King Sekadau Engkong prince, who should be entitled three sons: 
 1. Prince Agong  
 2. Prince Levels 
 3. Prince Senarong  
After Prince Engkong (King Sekadau) died, he was replaced by Prince level, while Prince Senarong, which continues the lineage of Kings Belitang. While Prince Agong chose exile along with his followers to a place that is now called Lawang Kuwari. (Betang length of the disappeared and until now this place is considered sacred). Kingdom Sekadau were converting to Islam after Prince Levels of Deceased and was replaced by his son Prince Suma, he studied Islamic religion in Mempawah. Dayak Kematu which is a combination of fractional entourage Dara Nante and Dayak Mualang around Sekadau, was the first to embrace Islam in the region Sekadau, then gradually followed by several other Dayak tribes. they then called herself with the title; Senganan (Dayak descent who converted to Islam). The development of Islam in the kingdom Sekadau more rapidly, then move the center of the kingdom Sekadau embers into the river and there was established a Great Mosque.
Regional Distribution
Regional spread of Dayak Mualang, after Sekadau also developing kedaerah Belitang and surrounding areas and have much reduced the Kings Belitang. This was preceded by a girl / Dara Mualang that ran through the forest for fear of punishment heirloom grandfather of the flyer that came to him that a dagger had been lost. Here's the story: On a day when walking in the woods, the girl saw a pig Mualang the large, shock and defend himself, he quickly stabbed the pig with his grandfather's keris, then prick it was so strong, cause the release of algae dagger kris brought pigs to the eye is run, and therefore he was very frightened to come home and escape all trying to find her grandfather's keris, until kehulu Kapuas. Dara was named Dayang Imbok Yarn, Busong kesekak descent. In the journey through the forest, he was discovered by Rui Demong, King of Nanga Embaloh, then taken as wives by Rui Demong. Furthermore, these yarn Imbok Dayang bore two sons, first / old named: Kerandang Ari, that the two / young named: Abang bari. One time they came home to find their mother's homeland, ie the area Belitang, Ulun (servant) was carrying died there, a servant named Belitang. Formerly the river is a river Belitang Perupuk, because Ulun named Belitang is dead then the river is called the river Belitang, and the surrounding area called Belitang area. Ari Kerandang Belitang home to join the descendants of his mother, a part of society Mualang. While his brother Abang Bari to follow his father to continue the reign of King-King in Selimbau and his descendants migrated to Belitang to continue the reign of King - King Belitang.
Queen Beringkak
One day there is either a descendant of the brother Bari (selimbau) immerses himself following the Kapuas river to Nanga Belitang. He was named named Queen Beringkak, a girl. When helped by Mualang communities, he recounted the origin purihnya (offspring) and after the stacking offspring, she is regarded as a Nation Powered / Like (high class level or Track King), until no one else would dare marry her community. At that time the community was led by Chief Saman Mualang Tangik, then people bring Queen Beringkak Mualang, up the river Belitang, introduced him to a trader who became leaders of the Malay community Belitang named Meriju, by Meridju, Queen Beringkak arranged marriage to a Mualang, of the Nation Powered / Like. After the wedding is completed, given the title by the community Meriju Mualang as Kiayi, namely; chaplain Madju. Because social statifikasi Dayak Mualang is Powered Nations / Like and higher than or Senganan Dayak tribe, or ethnic Malay traders who came in Belitang and in Sekadau, Mualang then people would not submit to the rules and any agreements, as well as against Kiayi Madju even , for his marrying the Queen Beringkak. This triggered the anger that eventually advanced Kiayi mobilize people - the Malays to attack the Dayak Mualang located dihulu Merian river. In war, the Malays can be defeated, and pursued until scattered, some running down to the river Mengkiyang Sanggau, the rest settled in around Belitang. Malay people are still not satisfied, they bring four powerful Malays at that time called the Commander. Against the people - the Malays are left along with his commander, who did not want to go, finally Dayak Mualang Belitang area, invite the descendants of Dayak Mualang Tampun Juah on foot hill named vine; Tiger singkuh. Because Tiger Singkut an old man, so he sent his son Lion Uda lieutenant, to deal with the remnants of the Malays and their commander. The fight occurred between a strong man that is four people against a Malay chief Manok Mualang cocks. The battle is done sportsmanship. Finally, the four Malay Commander can be defeated, then the chaplain Madju and all the Malays and the commander went and moved from the area Mualang to Nanga tipping, in the Queen beringkak displacement participate in Nanga tipping and he dies, but before he asked to be buried in Nanga Ansar. Until now tipping and Nanga Nanga Ansar is considered as sacred places.


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