Dayak tribe Mualang

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Dayak tribe Mualang   is one of the Dayak sub-tribes inhabiting Ibanic Sekadau and Sintang District in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, namely District:1. Belitang Downstream, Sekadau2. Belitang, Sekadau3. Belitang Hulu, Sekadau4. Sepauk, Sintang and surrounding areas.

Indigenous Dance Clause Temuai Datai (Dance welcomes guests)

Physical Characteristics
 According to Prof. Lambut from the University of Gastric Mangkurat, racially, Dayak people can be grouped into:• Dayak Mongoloid• Dayak Malayunoid• Dayak Autrolo-Melanosoid• Dayak HeteronoidOne feature that looks at people Mualang is a Mongoloid physical features, round face, white / yellow complexioned, slightly slanted eyes, straight hair, curly and there is also relatively high, and well known hospitality tamahannya, people are very mualang easy to blend in with the other sub-tribes. Therefore, there are so many people from across the island who make a living in the area mualang.contohnya local people / host / other Dayak, then from the island of Java, Sumatra (Melayu, Batak, etc.).


The language used includes groups like the group Ibanic Ibanic Other groups: Sleep, bugao, villages, seberuang, Ketungau, sebaruk and other Ibanic group. The difference is the pronunciation / accent in sentences with allied tribes namely pronunciation sentence using the word suffixes i and e, i and y, for example: Kediri "and Kedire", rari and rare, then henna and inay, Pulai and pulay and mention of sentences that use the letter r (R rust), and the dialect pronunciation, walauun contain the same meaning.


Around roughly 2,000 years ago, of a society that is now called Mualang strongly associated with the legend of their origin from a place or region called Temawai / Temawang Tampun Juah, which is a fertile region in the upstream river Sekayam Sanggau Kapuas district, precisely at the upstream villages Segomun, District Noyan.In the past people who are now called Mualang this life and join with other Iban allied groups and the time they joined as a community Panggau Banyau (a collection of people and human Khayangan) then all that is called Urang Affairs Panggau / Aging means People who come from this soil (Borneo).

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