Tampun Juah (Ibanic group)

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Tampun Juah (Ibanic group) 'Tampun Juah' is a combination meeting place and Dayak people who in the past which is now called Ibanic group. Before the Tampun Juah Banyau Pang community living in the hill kujau 'and hill Ayau, roughly in Kapuas Hulu, then moved to the Air berurung, Hall splint, yellow and Tampun Lalang Tinting Juah, in wandering from one place to another in possible there are separate and form a tribe or other group. Namely the final stopover area in Tampun Juah. There they lived and reach age Existence / golden, within thirty pieces Houses Panjai (houses on stilts that long) and thirty pieces the main door. They live safe, peaceful and harmonious. Tampun Juah itself comes from two words namely: Tampun and Juah, associated with a historic event which is the final warning to a ban that should not be repeated forever. Tampun itself is an activity execution Execution of two serious offenders that can not be tolerated, ie with your back into it and the only way ditelungkupkan in a supine partner, and then from the back lying face in the mashed with bamboo spears, then both of them washed away in a river. Error is due to both engage in illicit perkawian (mali) relationship with cousin once (Mandal). Male and female named Juah named LeMay. Execution is by a man named lujun (executioner / handyman execution) at Guntur bedendam Lam Ketemenggungan early / Jempa. Classification Society Life in Tampun Juah divided into three Statifikasi or classification society, namely: • Powered Nation / Like (the rich / Track King), a person whose life is affluent or wealthy and important people including relatives / Track King • Meluar Nations (the free / community input), a middle class life, is not bound doubtful debt problems with others, or free • Nation Melawang (the poor / common people), a group of people whose lives are poor and the working contract, to pay all its debts to have paid off and no other debt obligations In addition to the three levels of classification divides the community, residents Tampun Juah also regulate their lives by forming a leader - a leader in every longhouse / village that is called the Chief, the task set towards life and better regulated. Life Rituals In addition, life Tampun juah also closely connected with ritual and religious life. The spiritual leader is a couple who named Ambun decreased (male) and Pukat Mengawang (female). Both the person is a symbol to the world's first human creation, in accordance with the meaning of the name of both. Ambun decreases the dew that fell to earth, symbolic of a man climb into the sky and the trawl is a gap - a gap of nets / trawler that ran, a symbol of women. The dew trawl through or penetrate the gap is a symbol of intimate relationships between men and women. The husband and wife, had ten children, namely: Seven men and three women. Namely: 1. Puyang Gana (Spirit of Earth / Lord of the land, died at birth) 2. Puyang Belawan 3. Genuk Dara (female) 4. Bejid manai 5. Striped sculpture 6. Waist stripe 7. Belang odor 8. Dara lens "(female) 9. Putong Kempat (female) 10. Bui Rice (the beginning of the rice)
- Puyang Gana
born not like a normal human birth, she has one leg, one hand and was born in a state of death. Because the body has an unusual or bad, he was given the name of Ghana, he was in the grave under the stairs. When there is a distribution which it comes in a creepy way (ghost) and ask for parts up to an excuse because he claimed himself as the ruler of the land and forests. (Read about the kingdom Sintang the book History of Customary Law and Customs of West Kalimantan hal.184 - 188).
- Puyang Belawan
normally born as human. - Dara Genuk
born stunted or have short arms and legs, and therefore he called Dara Genuk.
- Bejid Manai
born and have few abnormalities in the body, ie a big cock. That's why he called Bejid Manai. - Belang Statue of birth and having at each vertebra bone abnormalities that striped - striped, and therefore he is called Belang Sculpture.
- Belang Waist
born and has a striped waist, and therefore he is called Striped Waist. - Belang Odor
born in a state of blemishes and body odor, and therefore he is called Belang Bau.
- Dara Kanta "Normal birth but have Cala (black mark) welling, and therefore he is called Dara Kanta".
- Putong Kempat born under normal circumstances and he has a beautiful body and incredible beauty unimaginable, Upa Deatuh / upa dadjangka "therefore he is called Putong Kempat. - Bui Rice
born in a strange situation, because it can directly talk and whine and ask for rice this is the beginning of birth of people eating Nasi.2 Banyau Pang. (Read about the kingdom Sintang the book History of Customary Law and Customs of West Kalimantan, p.185). Cause my father and mother pleaded with Petara to turn it into rice seeds.

Customs Tampun Juah
In those days life in Tampun Juah regulated in accordance with the norms and customs related to life, towards a better civilization to develop into a great nation, strong and prosperous. Likewise, these rules apply tampun juah fellow community and the public welcome. This leads to people's lives Tampun Juah more advanced and known to the public came from various other groups to join and take refuge and seek a better life in Tampun Juah. Glory and prosperity in Tampun Juah, has been heard by the rulers at that time, this led to other authorities the outside became very jealous and tried to snatch triumph in Tampun Juah.

People Fruit Cana
In those days human life and the gods and spirits, just as the relationship between human beings with one another, termasuklah very close relationship and harmony between communities Tampun Juah with The Fruit Cana (Deity worship). Since the triumph of the people Tampun Juah very well known and heard by all nations and some of the kingdom, at one time the news came to the kingdom Sukadana (located in Ketapang). Kingdom Sukadana feel anxious to hear the glory and the stronger the unity of society in Tampun Juah. This is getting a negative response and followed up by declaring war against Pang Community Banyau / Sak Aging, which gradually led to Tampun Juah attacked by the royal Sukadana. Sukadana Kingdom when it was a colony of the Kingdom of Majapahit (Java Hindu), they have a formidable army and powerful of the Dayak tribe Beaju "/ Miajuk, South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan. They entered the military expansion of regional Labai lawai (now Tamabak mire) Sukadana, in and along the Kapuas river water to the bay area to Tayan Sanggau Ampar stone, and into the river Sekayam and continue to the upper reaches, has entered into Tampun Juah attack. In this battle the army of Tampun Juah with persistent and heroic struggle against the enemy forces in defending the peace in Tampun Juah, to cause the enemy can be defeated and expelled. The first war known as the War of Chopsticks, because in this war Juah Tampun troops and forces the opponent to use chopsticks very toxic bullets given Ipuh (poison from a particular tree). Tampun Juah back safe and peaceful, but no longer occurred because the enemy is defeated invited (through its miracle) and affect the nation's spirits (Satan) is magical, attacking Tampun Juah. The second war inevitable, with a burning passion banyau Pang society, trying desperately to defend its territory from attack being fine, and finally in the war this nation can also defeated Satan. Tampun Juah for a while peace was gradually defeated the enemy at war, still not satisfied, they tried to use every means, and with supernatural powers they have, they affect the animals for attacking Tampun Juah. The third war that eventually occurred, similar to previous wars, animal people can also be defeated. Because it is still not satisfied then the enemy was looking for another way namely, by planting a variety of poisonous mushrooms in the fields, and around human settlements Tampun Juah, This has caused many people Tampun Juah the poisoning, but poisoning can be cured using the roots and other forest plants. After recovering toadstool poison turned out to have an impact on changing the language of intonation, accent and pronunciation of the language is the language of daily communication. This led to the emergence of groups of different languages and dialects spoken (remember the tower of babel in the old covenant scriptures Christians), although it is still understandable / cognate. (Ibanic Group). Looking at the split of the language, the adversary view this is a gap of weakness and make it as an idea, to beat people Tampun Juah. The enemy knows that to win and beat Tampun Juah incapable through war, but with littering Tampun Juah. When poisoning occurs everywhere, making the public force Tampun Juah become brittle. It is not wasted by the devil, they sent her magic once again in a way that is littering every place of daily activities, housing and dining furniture with droppings. Because of constantly emerging and still not finished in a long time, eventually people Tampun Juah strees, panic and do not take it anymore, cause stirred Tampun Juah. In response it was then the Chief of the district come together to solve this problem. Concentrated Banyau (deliberation) is done and the results of dense, (consensus) decision to leave Tampun diambilah Juah gradually. The process was led by their departure - their departing and former Chief, should make lujok (stump) or sign on any place that served the group, to be followed by the group behind the agreement: "if one day find a place of lush, delicious and fit later, their lives together and nurture such period in Tampun Juah.3 Once completed bepekat (deliberation), then decided who went first. People Fruit Cana (Beloved Deity), returned to Khayangan, then the first group departing Banyau Pang society are: 1. The group is now called Dayak Batang Lupar / Iban, set off down the river sai, penetrating into the mouth of the river up to the Batang Lupar ketungau, Kapuas River. (This story is told the same and acknowledged by the group of Sadong Iban Dayak, Sarawak, Malaysia). In travels, and after arrived at Batang Lupar, this group later split and formed the group - a group or sub-sub Ibanic (Sleep, Undup, Gaat, Saribas, Sebuyau, Sebaruk, Skrang, Balau) and others are also spread out and look for land and new life. 2. Ketungau group. Along the Sai River, continue to enter the river ketungau, and settled there along the river ketungau and form small groups include: Bugao, Banyur, Tabun etc.. 3. Mualang group. This group is the group's last surviving Tampun Juah, this is because at that time this group is no prohibition to leave because there is one who gave birth, after all these years later this group following the group both by browsing Sai River, reached the mouth of the river ketungau. This group is headed by: Guyau Tomonggong Budi, they bring a bodyguard / manok cocks / Lieutenant famous in his day called Mualang. On his way down the river ketungau, entourage Guyau Tomonggong Budi lost, this is due to the flooding that caused the sign (lujok) that made its predecessor terpa changed direction in flood flows, after arriving dimuara ketungau river. This causes them to stop the journey for so long. In line with that bodyguard entourage (manok cocks) named; Mualang died on the ground, he was buried right next to the river ketungau going home. Mualang immortalized to mention the name of the creek into the river and the entourage Guyau Mualang Tomonggong mind immortalize the name of the group he leads with the name People Mualang, which comes from the river Mualang and slowly by his successor called Dayak Mualang name. After the mourning, they decided to settle in the river Mualang for some time. One day while fishing along the river Mualang, they found a deep (deep bay) a lot of fish, then the good news was delivered to all other groups of people and eventually they Mualang gang - busy taking fish dilubuk tersebut.Setelah get a lot of fish , all the paddles and equipment look for other fish they drowned dilubuk it, and the depths that they call by name Sedayung depths. Apart from fishing they also often hunt around the woods as far as entry into all directions. At one point while hunting, they (people Mualang), find other hunters who have the same language with a group of people Mualang, but not from the group and their community. The person claimed to come from the Land of Tabo. "This information is then submitted to the leadership of the Mualang, namely; Guyau Chief Budi which eventually brought the whole people - people he leads Mualang to join the community in the Land of Tabo." Until dibatalkanlah plan to look for previous group.
Population Land Tabo
Residents in the Land of Tabo 'is a descendant of keseka "Busong. Keseka "Busong mating with heart Dara, son Petara Seniba (god in Khayangan), Dara dihulurkan by Petara Seniba heart (his father) using a rope Tabo" Tengang (root wood) Bekarong Betung (wrapped in bamboo betung) children from keseka "Busong and heart Dara is Bujang Long, who married mali (forbidden) with Dayang Kaman Dara Remia (his aunt or his mother's sister) in Khayangan that caused his grandfather (Petara Seniba) wrath, and cast out long bachelor earth where his father was the keseka "Busong. Son of the results of their mating mali, a wide range of pests of rice and pass the spread earth. 

dayak mualang past

Guyau Chief Budi
Troupe leader Mualang Guyau Chief Budi then blend in with society Land Tabo "then they are called by the name of Dayak Mualang. They spread to Sekadau, all Belitang, and partly to Sepauk, Sintang. Children - Children Ambun Descending and other Mengawang Pukat also spread to follow their lives - each and there is form a group of tribes - the other allied tribes. One child from Ambun Decline and Pukat Mengawang namely: Putong Kempat, married with Aji Melayu (derived from the Peninsula, in the Hindu belief, prior to the entry of Islam, this is reinforced by evidence of graves and other relics in Sepauk Sintang). Thus the order of pedigree mating Putong kempat with Aji Melayu. 1. Putong kempat (Dayak Mualang with Aji Melayu (sepauk) Her son is named 2. Dayang Lengkong mating with Patih Selatong down 3. Dayang Randung, marries Duke Selatung, down 4. Abang Long, married, down 5. Demong Coral mating, lower 6 . Demong kara (sixth King of the kingdom Sepauk), mating, down 7. Demat Oil, mating (King Eighth kingdom Sepauk) down 8. Demong Irawan, title Jubair I. Married, down 9. Dara Juanti (King ninth th.1385) 10 . Dara juanti mating with Patih Logender of Javanese kingdom of Majapahit community (Hindu). (book History of Customary Law and Customs of West Kalimantan. 1975, p.197)
Dayak Lebang Nado
From there kempat Putong assimilation derivatives that gave birth to the nation / tribe which diffuse and spread, growing up to now. Dara Juanti descent is married with Patih logender. As a proof of delivery from the Patih logender, then brought twelve men parinduk or evidence of delivery, then the twelve men form a community around the Mount dark and gradually becomes Lebang Nado Dayak community. Mixing of the seed Mualang Dayak, Malay and Javanese Hindu Hindu.
Cape Mualang

Dayak entourage Mualang which spread to Sekadau is a fragmented form new groups; Mualang Cape, and mingle with other groups Seberuang Dayak, Dayak Village, Ketungau astray and so forth. Some mixed well with the party group in his search for Dara Nante Babai Cinga (husband Dara Nante). The delegation was led by Lion Patih Patih Bardat and Bangi. they lost when the spreads look for an area called Tampun Juah. Lion Troupe Patih Bardat mixed with Dayak Mualang, lower small tribes namely: Dayak Kematu ", Benawas Dayak, Dayak Mualang Sekadau Lawang area quarrying (Lawang quarrying, is condemned betang melt into the rock because of an event). While the delegation led by Patih Bangi along the river upstream to the area called diffuse Belitang later referred to as Dayak Mualang and spread to surrounding areas. Dayak Mualang Belitang area is what a lot lower Sekadau Kings, and King Belitang. The small kingdom gradually moved to Sekadau. 

Sumber: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suku_Dayak_Darat

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