Dayak Dance characteristics based on ethnic groups

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Art of dance in West Kalimantan Dayak tribes divided based on ethnic subgroups that are scattered throughout the districts in West Kalimantan. Based on the ethno linguistic and cultural cirri dance movement Dayak in West Kalimantan into 4 major groups, 1 small groups namely:
Kendayan / Kanayatn Grop: Dayak Bukit (ginger), Banyuke, Lara, Darit, Belangin, Bakati "etc.. Regional distribution in Pontianak Regency, Regency Hedgehogs, Bengkayang District, and sekitarnya.mempunyai dance movement, energetic, stakato, hard.
Ribunic / Jangkang Grop / Bidoih / Bidayuh: Dayak Ribun, Pandu, Pompakng, latitude, Pangkodatn, Jangkang, Kembayan, Simpakng, etc.. Regional distribution in Sanggau Kapuas district, has a characteristic open hand gestures, no rough and smooth.
    Iban / Ibanic: Dayak Iban and other small subgroups, Mualang, Ketungau, Sleep, Sebaruk, Banyur, Tabun, Bugau, Undup, Saribas, Village, Seberuang, and so forth. Regional distribution in Sambas (border), District Sanggau / malenggang and surrounding areas (the border) District Sekadau (Belitang Lower, Middle, Upper) Sintang, Kapuas Hulu regency, Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei Darussalam. have a dominant feature of hip motion, not hard and not too subtle.
Banuaka "Grop: Parks, Tamambaloh tribes elders and sub him, dull, and so on. Regional distribution in Kapuas Hulu. Typical motion ibanic group similar, but slightly more subtle.
Kayaanik, forgiveness, etc. muddy. 
Besides divided by ethno linguistic group, recorded by a large number, there are many more who have not identified his dance motion, because the spread and split up and divided into small tribes. For example Dayak Mali / Ayek-Ayek, there dialur Tayan road towards the district. ketapan. then Dayak Ketapang, Regional simpakng like Dayak Dayak Samanakng and Kualan, Persaguan area, Kendawangan, Kayong area, Sandai, local Krio, Aur yellow. Manjau area etc.. Then Dayak Sambas regency, namely Dameo / Damea, Sambas district and district Sungkung Bengkayang and so forth. Then the District Sekadau towards Nanga Nanga Mahap and Garden, Javan, Jawai, Benawas, Kematu and others. Then Melawi District, namely: dayak Keninjal (the majority of land Pinoh; among others ribang rabing village, ribang semalan, intermediate highway, rompam, ulakmuid, Maris etc.) dayak Kebahan (among other villages: Poring, nusa kenyikap, Wood Flower, etc. that have pestle dance and dance belonok kelenang endangered), dayak Linoh (among other villages: Nanga taum, partly Ulak Muid, mahikam etc.), dayak pangen (Jongkong, some villages balaiagas etc.), dayak kubing (among other river villages bakah / river spirit, nyanggai, Nanga highway etc), dayak limai (such as promontory village banyan, Captain, support their, ell, etc.), undau dayak, dayak forgiveness, dayak ranokh / anokh (including some in the village of stone buil, river highway, etc.), dayak sebruang (among other jungle village cape, piawas etc.), Ot Danum Dayak (enter group cal-teng), Leboyan.

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