Code which is understandable Dayak Tribe

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Totok bakakak (code), wich is understandable Dayak Tribe
Send a spear which had tied a red wicker (has dijernang) means to declare war, in the language of Dayak Ngaju "Asang". Send a betel and areca nut means the sender wanted to apply for one of the girls who are in the house that sent a betel and areca.
Send a pike (salugi) means please help, the village was in danger. 

Sending bunu spear (spear spear eyes were lime) mean please help as much as possible because if not, the whole tribe will receive hazard. Sending Abu, there is a house on fire.
Sending water in bamboo seruas means there is a family that has died down, please come quickly. If there are relatives who died of drowning, when the sad news spread to relatives, the victim's name was not mentioned.
Send a loincloth who burned edges means a family member who has died old.
Sending a chicken egg, which means that there are people coming from far away to sell pot, crock tajau.
Leaves Sawang / jenjuang underlined (Cacak Bird) and hanged in front of the house, this shows that it is forbidden up / entering the house because of the traditional taboos.
When found in fruit trees such as tan, rambutan, etc., near the trunk was found pike and underlined with limestone, means are prohibited from taking or picking fruit in the tree.

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